Simple and Happy Life for a Better Tomorrow.

Now we are living in a global village. With the advanced development in technology, human needs and wants are widened. It affects the increasing complexity of human thoughts and targets. It’s because human is running behind materialistic things.

So to achieve those complex targets and materialistic things we work harder and harder. but no one knows what the reason affects to makes us unhappy and stressed. it lets to decrease the time we have for ourselves.

So do try at least one time to think what would really make us happy? No need to do research or think more and more. The answer is nearby you. it is simple.

So let me aware you of how the word “simplicity” makes your life happier with all your loved ones using the following methods.

   Give more and more time to get to know yourself.

         Credit – Unsplash   

 Now think about yourself …………….

How you feel relax your mind as well as your heart.

Sometimes you watch a movie, go shopping and buy beautiful, expensive colorful items, sometimes pass time with social media…

You might feel relaxed. but the relaxation you achieve is extremely prevailing within a short period of time.

So give yourself time to think about yourself\.to find inner peace and simplicity within you. so it is in a place you seem to be happy and peaceful. Think about yourself.

 Today what really makes you happy, is how you feel when you are helping someone, the smile on those people, how you loved your closer once. What you lost today and how you can prevent the above losers.

If you continue this, you might see the beauty and the simplicity within you. I'm sure you will be happy 100%


v                           Unbreakable Relationship.



                    Credit – Unsplash   

Today the world we liin ve is really busy with studying for exams, busy at work, looking after children, cleaning houses, etc. so most of us are distracted by each other by losing time to be with our precious loved ones.

It's because of your complexity.

So but simplifying your needs and want it saves enough time to be with them. If you give small time to make your loved ones happy it will make you happy exactly. so just think simple.

Sometimes one word will be enough to make them happy and I’m sure you will forward the same happiness to yourself….

we all know that no man can live alone in this huge world. so think simply. live simply, cooperate and love more and more your loved ones.

Then your relationship might be unbreakable. It let you for a simple happiest life.


v                  Save money

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Simplifying life means deducting unnecessary expenses. so it shows the path to saving money for your future.

  If not, you are a donator you can donate. sometimes it will have paved the way for an innocent person to be happy for a small second or to will whole life.

 so being simply Paved the way to live happily.


v            Better health


      Credit – Unsplash   

Health mean both physical and mental health.

  So if you focus less on material and possessions and focusing more on your family and loved once will let you for a better mental health.

 According to the researches done the by university of science in Pennsylvania showed that 90% of the people who adapted to a simple lifestyle and prioritizes happiness in life already have improved great health.

Complex life style paved the way for unhealthy habits such as smoking and not only it affects our mental health it affects physical well-being as well.

It’s nothing if we collect money and other things.

Health is the greatest wealth, after all. 

So think simply. sometime staying with your loved ones, taking breath freely and drinking water will enough to be a healthy need to live in a village area to be live decide by your thoughts. Try it.

 Being simple let you for a better life.


v Live with the green and be helpful to the environment

    Credit – Unsplash  


With busy lives, people lost the chance to tally with the environment. Simplifying your life will gift you the time for it. 

We all know that spending time with nature reduces stress and brings you happiness.

 Just think now you are living in a green garden full of flowers, with the sounds if birds and small streams flowing without disturbing the silence of the environment.

Did you feel that great feeling? See no need for lots of expensive things to be live happily. As much as possible we might tally and work with the environment.

Actually, the complex nature of our lifestyle hides us from the reality of life. If we live with the environment by sharing, caring, and helping the environment it will make us better understand that we can live happily by being simple.

So be simple. Live happily for a whole lifetime.


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